Track And Field Injury Quiz And Rehab Plan

Answer 4 quick questions and receive a personalized action plan tailored to your symptoms based on your responses.


In the fast-paced world of track and field, injuries can strike at any time. Whether you're a sprinter, jumper, or thrower, understanding the nature of your pain is crucial for a swift and effective recovery. Our Track and Field Injury Quiz is designed to quickly assess your symptoms and provide you with a personalized rehab plan. By answering just four simple questions, you'll gain insight into the likely cause of your pain and receive expert recommendations on the next steps to take.


A Knee
B Shoulder
C Foot/Heel
D Lower Leg
E Hip/Groin
F Lower Back
A Sharp
B Dull Ache
C Throbbing
D Tightness
A During activity
B After activity
C At rest
D All the time
A Sprints
B Distance
C Jumps
D Throws

What's Next?

Once you've completed the quiz, you'll be presented with a rehab plan based on your responses. Remember, while our quiz provides guidance, it’s a simple tool and you should always consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. Take your results with you and discuss them with a coach, physiotherapist, or doctor to ensure you're on the right path to recovery.

Additional Resources:

Looking to learn more about to improve your track and field skills when you get better? Check out our in-depth articles on:

Each article provides expert training advice on an assortment of topics to help you stay on top of your game.